LSS 2007 Christmas Party: a very Happy Day!



There were almost 250 children and more than 50 adults present at the function and our guests Fabio and Patrizia added glamour and meaning to our show. Each Balwadi entertained and regaled the others with various skits: the Christmas Story, the Polio Virus and the the Deaf Servant.

No programme is complete unless it has music! The Balwadi children performed various songs and dance items impressing the audience and keeping them enthralled for almost two hours. The children of Everald added their beautiful voices under the guidance of Flory and Augustine Rebello.

Finally, Santa Claus jiingled his way in distributing sweets to all and sundry much to the amusement of the children, The Everard Welfare Society also arranged for a slide, so that these slum children could enjoy themselves fully. All went home happy and fulfilled!


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