Help a Patient build immunity against TB


An  urgent appeal to you who are reading this post : 

TB kills !! A Drug Resistant patient spreads Drug Resistant TB !!  

This is an urgent appeal to you to help TB patients build their immunity to fight the disease and complete treatment successfully thus preventing the spread of the disease to their own family members and the community around them.

Each TB patient requires supplementary nutrition, more so for those with a low BMI .  

A tin of protein powder is ideal as it is easy to administer and can be taken by the patient itself.

The cost for each TB patient is Rs.636/- per month for a period of 6 months. This is essential to help the patient to withstand the side effects and complete treatment.

LSS would be grateful if you could cover the cost of at least one patient.  If you do YOU will be saving the lives of 10 others.


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